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Concerts in the Community

“I am 99 years old and I can’t go [to the Eastgate Theatre] anymore. You have no idea how wonderful this was today. It was simply marvellous”.

“What an afternoon we have had! I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!”

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Peebles Care Home December 2019

'Our audience enjoyed the concert all the more for the time you took to introduce musical pieces and create a visual reference - and I, too, wholeheartedly agree with this. It felt like the music was supported by stories and images which enhanced our ability to appreciate each piece. 


And as you may recall, one of the gentlemen sitting behind the partition (John) was very moved indeed; his eyes welling up upon hearing the first few notes of Clair de Lune (which he recognised immediately). 


I personally observed residents with very advanced dementia (whom would normally be tasked to stay so focused and settled for the hour that you performed) alert and content until the very end. This was really, really fantastic...


I’m sure you will agree that music has a great nostalgic quality and the reactions myself and staff observed at the concert remind us of just how powerful some musical pieces can be for invoking memories; both those close to the surface and those closer to heart. 


Harriet, Jennifer and Claire - that you were able to take us all on such an exciting and (at times) emotional journey is simply incredible. On behalf of all who tapped toes to the old Scottish classics, got swept along by your stunning rendition of The Swan and shared in the infectious merriment created by (just a snippet of the) New World Dances of Gwyneth Walker’s Craftsbury Trio ( - a composer whom we must all now go forth and discover): I extend my very sincere and grateful thanks. ' Peebles Care Home December 2019

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Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity, December 2019

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